Sunday, May 4, 2014

One more week and i made it.

This has been a crazy, busy semester but overall it was okay with the support and understanding I got from my friends, classmates and professors. This semester has really pushed my limits and showed me that I can handle much more than I though I could. Sure I wish I could of done better because trying to be the best you can, should be a priority. I have grown so much since this semester has started and feel like a have matured. I was not immature but I feel like I learned more responsibility and how to deal with everything at hand.  Now all I have left to do is finish strong this last week at school. I have been sick the past couple of days, hoping to get better as the week progresses. I have my nine-week doctors appointment next week in Chicago, which I am so excited for. Everything is going as I expected and I am hoping that it keeps going that way so that I am able to achieve everything I want.  On some bright news also died my hair red again yesterday and it looks amazing I have been getting so many compliments. What girl doesn’t like getting compliments right. I know I do. I am so hungry and want to eat a juicy burger but I do not want to get out of bed. Well thanks for everyone that has read my blogs. I have has a great time writing and maybe I will continue to do so. Adios Amigos.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

its a blahh day.

Yes it is finally going to be the weekend and I only have one more week of school left this semester.  I actually enjoyed the past couple of classes in my micro class they have been quite interesting. My English paper has been going great and very interesting I have really enjoyed writing it because I have learned some data and research that I had no clue about.  I know that it happened but I had no clue that it happened to the extent that it did. It was my mom’s birthday yesterday and I am happy that I have had my mom for another year and many more years to come. Changing topic I am in a need of getting my hair done and getting some color in it. There are so many things that I wan to do but I need to start working more hours so that I have more money.  I cannot wait to be able to sleep in this weekend and catch up on it.  I have been running on almost zero sleep this week with so many things in my mind and I have been having insomnia. I do not know what else to talk about my brain is like fried so all I am all out of things to talk about. Good night my friends I am calling it a night and finishing some work before I attempt to get in bed. Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep and have some juicy dreams.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bacterial meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis is an infection to the meninges of the brain. The infection causes inflammation of the meninges mainly in the pia matter of the brain and arachnoid matter with less likely situations in the dura matter. The sign and symptoms of meningitis can vary from very simples signs to more serious ones but none should be taken lightly since meningitis can be a live or death matter. Bacterial meningitis can also be cause by many different species of bacteria such as Neisseria meningitis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza, Listeria monocytogenes, and Streptoccus agalactiae.  Those five species account for 90 percent of bacterial meningities cases with some of the other percent being normal mocrobiota, Streptococus pyogenes, gram-negative enteric bacteria and Klebsiella. Symptoms of bacterial meningitis arise from increased number of white blood cells in the central nervous system causing meningeal inflammation and high fever. Inflammation of the meninges causes pressure in the organs beneath them, which also causes severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, pain, and may also cause loss of some brain functions leading to the infected individual feeling drowsy, confused and irritated. There are also spinal meninges that when inflamed cause stiff neck, loss of sensory input and control of muscles. Encephalitis is a more serious form of meningitis in which the brain has become infected and may cause deafness, blindness, drastic changes in behavior, and more serious outcomes as coma and death. Symptoms of bacterial meningitis can surface quickly mainly being three to seven days after exposure. According to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Babies younger than 1 month old are at a higher risk for severe infections, like meningitis, than older children. In newborns and infants, the classic meningitis symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness may be absent or difficult to notice. The infant may appear to be slow or inactive (lack of alertness), irritable, vomiting or feeding poorly. In young infants, doctors may look for a bulging fontanelle (soft spot on infant’s head) or abnormal reflexes, which can also be signs of meningitis

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

gloomy day.

Why are there so many evil people is this world that try to make other peoples lives just as miserable as theirs. This is even worst when it is at the place of employment. I honestly need to get another job because I just need a new environment. That is all I am going to say to keep it professional and not talk about it because I am classy. I am here sitting in class and sometimes I just get to think how my future will be and if I will get everything that I want. There is just too many things going around in my life and I just do not know hot to handle all of them at one point. I know it seems like I keep on saying the same thing over and over on many of my blogs but I feel like everyday something else happens that makes me feel that way. One thing that I am looking forward to is having this weekend and maybe getting some rest and catching my thoughts. I nee to go to the doctors because I have not been feeling well and I am the kind of person that worries about everything and think I am dying.  God I feel so depressed and sad a lot of the time and do not know what to do with my self. I need some well-deserved vacations with my family. I could just sleep for days if I could.  Night peeps.

Monday, April 28, 2014

two more weeks.

Holly cow I just realized that we only have this week left and part of next week left before the end of the semester. It is time to start doing all kind of studying all night and probably part of the day too. I am currently finishing my English research paper which my computer accidently deleted about seventy five percent of it when it magically decided to shut its self off. I had a nervous break down and cried for about an hour but there was nothing I could do about it I tried to recover it but it only recovered about two pages of it. It was one of the worst feeling ever and now I know why people always say save your paper at least every ten minutes just to make sure it is saved. Well blah blah time to move on and finish it up so I can study for my other two finals that I have next week. Honestly I am mainly worried about micro because that class is the devil and it is accumulative. Anatomy final is only going to be over three chapters so I am not too worried about but I still have to study plenty for it to make sure I get a B in the class. One thing that has been on my mind is not knowing if I made it to the nursing program so I guess we are playing the waiting game. I should probably go to bed soon since I work in the morning.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The grass is not always greener but!

So much for having another good day my day went down the drain at work. One thing that I cannot stand is fake people that try too hard. To each its own but once you start being fake to me I will tell you about your self.  I always have said be what you want to be don’t let other people tell you what to do but one you start preaching about what you are all respect has been lost. Another thing or trait I should say is people who like being sneaky. My friend and me call them snakes because they act just like them. Another thing also is I have never worked in a job before were everyone is so scandalous always trying to get somebody in trouble or trying to have somebody loose their job.  I think it might be time for a new change of scenery and even though people say the grass is not always greener on the other side. Well it cant get anymore yellower than it all ready is. I am not looking forward to going back tomorrow maybe I need to use up my vacation days and be off for a while maybe more than two weeks. The only thing that keeps me sane in that place sometimes is some of the friends that I have acquire while working there not many though as some people cannot stand me ha. Honest I do not  care though long hair don’t care.  Have a blessed Saturday.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Juicy day :)

Yes finally I had a decent day with my mom today. I woke up for school and got ready and wore my new juicy lime crime lipstick, which was the truth.  After class my mom and me decided to go to the mall and get some stuff we wanted to get. I decided to get one of my new favorite perfumes the one and only Honey by Marc Jacobs. We looked around the mall for some other things but I am trying to save money and not buy thousands of stuff when I go out. I finally took my mom to eat at Chipotles and it was juicy my mom loved it. Our last stop was at Ulta since I got a seventy-dollar gift card and you know it has been burning my hand to use. Sadly they did not have the main thing I went for and I decided to but anything else.  The weather was so since so I played my frozen cd and jammed all they way back to portage I think my mom was getting annoyed with my beautiful singing. I for got to mention today was my little brother’s birthday and I almost forgot. I took a nap afterwards and woke up with the most evil heartburn. Now I am watching P.S I love you and I just love that movie so much I think this is the fourth time I have watched this movie and it gets me every time. Bed soon and work in the morning kill me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In gods hands.

Life can be unexpected full of surprises either good or bad. It can also throw some unexpected life changing events in your direction that leaves one questioning our fate and if there is a grater good looking out for us. If so, that being the case why would it allow so many bad things to happen at one point but I guess one can argue why would the devil let so many good things also happen at the same time. I guess at the end of the day there has to be some equality in the good and bad things that life throws at us and it is up to us to be able to handle it with the most mature response. Some people might not believe in god but I do and I also believe that god does not let anything happen if he does not think we are capable of handling the situation what ever it might be.  At the end of the day I just put my hands in the air and let god take over. I just pray that he keeps me, my family, friends, and loved one safe from all harm and that he watches over us. Instead of complaining about how hard life is and about the things we do not have we should we grateful that we got the chance to live another day. We are not guarantee the next day so as humans we need to appreciate what we have and be grateful for everything else.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

best weekend ever.

I just had the best four days in a long time time or should I say extended weekend. I honestly just relaxed from friday to monday this week and enjoyed some free time while working on some homework. The weather was also awesome so yeah it was like god wanted me to have a good time. I did not have to work either and I got to go out to the bars with my best friend. We tried to go to three different bars but the third one was with where it was at. There was this really cool rave going on and they had some black lights on too so everything looked extra fly. I was wearing this really cool blouse that glowed in the dark this was the second time this happened in a weekend so I think I was meant to have a good time. When I finally got home I fell and hit my leg on this chair which left me a big bruise that has been hurting for a couple of days. Family wise the second storm has hit and harder than ever ugh just when I though things were going to get better boom it got worst. Things are changing in my house soon and I just hope it is for the best and god helps us get through this, Two more weeks of class an yes I made it this semester. Just going to wait to hear from the nursing program hopefully with good news.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Yesssss hunty yess,

Good morning everyone happy Monday even though everyone pretty much hates Mondays but today feels like a good one. I love cleaning my house with some loud music playing in the background; I swear I could clean the whole house everyday. I actually rather clean the whole house than have to do homework but that is just me. I am not going to lie I hate writing papers for school it is just one of those things that I really never got into doing. In my defense I hate because it takes me forever to write what I really want and make it sounds great. Now back into topic todays I decided to start cleaning the house instead of starting my disease report which is due tomorrow but the good thing is that it is only 3 pages long so no biggie.  Last night was a great night to watch television shows because I got to see three of my favorite shows in a row. First I saw Once upon a time at seven, after that it was Game of thrones, which was juicy, but the best one last night was Devious maids. I have been waiting for devious maids to start for so long it was one of my favorite shows last year and I am happy that it is back. From what I can tell this season is going to be so juicy and scandalous. My summer nights are starting to be spoken for by my favorite shows.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Last friday night lol.

I had such a wonderful time last night and the best part is that I was not expecting it at all. Me and my best friend decided to go out last night and have a girls night so we got all dolled up and went out to the bar but at first I had a feeling that it was not going to be fun. We went to two bars first and they were not popping at all so we decided to go to the franklin house in Valparaiso and it was juking in there. They were having some king of black light party and it was so packed that I could not walk without bumping into somebody. Least to say I had a blast I met some new people last night and had some juicy drinks while at it. There was a lot of sexy people and there and it got crazy so I was turned up. I decided to wear heels last night and by the end of the night my feet was getting it ha ha. After the bar some of the people that I met at the bar were having a party at their house so we went there and kept the party going till the morning it was such a crazy time. I got home and I knocked out till about two hours ago and now I got to get productive and do some stuff around the house and stores.  Well time to have good day.

Friday, April 18, 2014

update on everything.

I cannot wait for summer time to get here for good because I am tired of this winter. Do not get me wrong I love winter but this winter has been really long and does not want to let go. I went shopping the other day and got me all kinds of cute outfits for the summer time among with some shoes and makeup specially for the summer time.  I usually don’t like the summer too much because I get too hot and I hate sweating too much specially when I am looking extra cute and have my makeup done. I had gotten the Tria beauty for hair but I do not know if I like because the crystal in which it uses the laser seems to be really small. That being said I do not know how to get all the hairs at least not one hundred percent. On I side note I woke up so hungry this morning I can feel my stomach hurting I think I am going to make me s smoothie.  My life is so crazy right now things just got crazier at my house and it was out of thin air. I do not know how to deal with this current situation.  I just want to sing let it go ha ha. I am getting up and cleaning though because I really wan to help my mom out she has been really tired and I love her. I will talk to you all later have a good day.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Its one of them days.

I was really being a cranky lady this morning nobody could tell me nothing and all because I was staying up last night doing work and everyone knows I love my sleep. I mean I was not as cranky as I make it seem I was just very unhappy this morning when I had to get up for school I was so tired. It was so bad that not even my large vanilla iced coffee woke up even at this point I am still feeling some kind of tired. My hair is looking all kinds of frizzy mess but it could be worst I still looking decent ha ha. I am just looking forward to this weekend because I get to sleep in an just focus on my work among other house chores. My mom has been feeling a little down so I want to maybe do something this weekend to get her out of the house at least for a day I know it would help her feel better. I am also trying to eat less than I usually do and healthier and it sucks because I am so hungry right now I think I am just going to get me a soup and call it a day. I have to go to lab this afternoon and I am really not looking forward to it because I am so freaking tired and feel very irked. I need to take a nap as soon as I get home and relax but wake up in time to study.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Only 2-3 more weeks . yesss hunty

Well where should I start today? I guess ill start by saying that I wanna pull my hair out. With only having so many days left of school comes in the holly bundle of exams, homework, among many other scandalous school stuff. I am getting really stressed by all this work but I can only count down till this semester is over because I really want it to be one and over with. I decided to back back to school this year kind of as a last minute decision because I wanted to move on forward with my life and feel like I was going somewhere. Sadly for me many things have happened that I did not account for since is started school that have put a big stress on me all together including work, family, and of course bills. Going back to school has put on a big monetary burden on me since I have many bills that I can barely pay with working part time but thank god for school loans because they have really helped me get through it and have also come in handy for other stuff that I would have not been able to do or helped with if I had not gotten them, People always say it is bad to take out loans but when that is your only option what can a girl do? This weekend I am going to tackle down finishing my ten page issue papers because I just wanna get it out of mind.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dallas buyers club was eye opening.

When it comes to watching movies I am a big fan just tell me it is movie time and I am on my way. I am a fan of all kind of movies, films etc but I really do love the kind of movies that move my soul and make me think about things. With that being said today I watched Dallas buyers club after hearing so many good things about it and it was more then I expected it to be. There are so many powerful messages in the film and I feel like they are positive messages not all negative and also it was based on a real story. I am not going to lie this movie made me cry like a baby and just made me feel so sad for all those people who had to go through that back in the 80's. Times sure have come along way since then and I am glad they have because the world had become a better place in some ways and bad in others. This movie also had so mad in some part I swear just because it is so hard to see that some people would act like that towards other human being and how ignorant and money driven the government was back then even though it still is many forms but what they did was evil. After watching this movie all I could think of was giving out a prayer for all those people who suffered through those harsh times and hope that they are resting peace. I know not everyone is a saint but these people deserved better and I know maybe there was not a lot that could have been done but I do not know as a human being I like to wish the best for everyone. Thank god things are better now concerning HIV and hopefully a cure can be found soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

history of freestyle concert

Yes hunty I just had such great time with my boo Tasha at the History of Freestyle concert in chicago and let me just say it was the bomb. I had such a great time with her we were looking extra fly and sexy you know how we do. We got there at seven but did not know that the actual concert did not start till around nine thirty so we were just drinking and dancing to the dj. When the concert started it all went bananas the crown just went crazy and enjoyed the night.The drinks were so expensive tho we should of pre gamed a little before going on but we did not know the concert was not going to start yet. I give them hands down my respects for the performances they gave us and how well they did. What can I say I am a freestyle type of girl. It was so hot in there my hair was curled and came out looking a hot mess but my brush went in on my hair ha fun times in the bathroom. We actually left a little erlier than we though because we were so tired by midnight so we headed back to indiana and get some mcdonals which was the bomb, who does not love a midnight snack right?. I am home now since all my friends were asleep so I came home and got ready for bed I got many things to do tomorrow I swear too many to count. Goodnight

Friday, April 11, 2014

busy weeks its friday all ready ? :O

Wait! What day is it? Holly macaroni is it friday all ready but it feels like yesterday was just monday. This week really went by so fast I think it is due to the fact that it was such a crazy week and busy too. I have two exams to take home one of them is to make corrections and the other one is actually a take home exam both of them combined are two hundred questions. I also have me research paper to keep writing and a bibliography page to make. To that add anatomy lab and final coming up. I think I just died and came back. Not only that I also just remembered I have a micro paper to write and the final too wah I just wanna cry this next three weeks are going to be the death of me. Last night was killer all I remember is studying till very late in the morning for my exam I had today and I fell asleep my phones died and I woke up late for school today barely making it to my exam. Least to say I was having a heart attack in the morning because I though I was not going to make it in time for my exam which would of so sucked in million levels. I am home now doing homework trying not to fall asleep but I do have to work at six in the morning tomorrow boo me. Working weekends sucks so much I hate it.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My feet suck i need new ones.

I swear I need some new feet ha because I have been having foot problems since I was little but I never though the would get worse as I got older so life pretty much sucks because the foot inserts that I need to get by the foot doctor cost three hundred dollars and everyone knows I am a broke person that likes to spend a lot of money on a lot of other things that I really do not need so yeah I have no clue what to do. The inserts that they sell at walmart which happen to be cheaper are also a little pricey for me costing fifty dollars which I guess is a lot better than three hundred. I have been neglecting this for a whiles even though I know that it needs to be taken care of because my foot pain gets even worst as time goes by. I should of used some of my tax money to get the inserts but I also had to save one thousand dollars so that I can pay for my citizenship so I do not end up back to Mexico. I just cannot imagine living in Mexico for longer periods of time any more even though it is a lot more free than here in the U.S.A but there is too many things going on with the cartels. My foot [problems also cause me some back pain among other pains which really suck so hopefully I can get it fixed soon. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

heartburn and spicy food

One of the worst feeling ever in the world is? Well for people who get it they would agree with me that heartburn is one of the most painful and irritating feeling ever. I have been having heartburn since I was very young I cannot even remember the age when I first got it but I know I was super young. I think I get heartburn because I love eating spicy food one and foremost but also just because I love eating. I think I started eating jalapenos when I was in kindergarden and thats when I knew I loved spicy food but what can I say I am a spicy latina. I remember that I did not know what happened the next day after you eat spicy peppers and I paid the price for the first time in the bathroom I still look back and laugh because I was crying to my mom and saying what is going on help me ha ha. Now that I am older is till love my spicy food but I cannot eat some of the spiciest foods I used to eat for example habanero peppers I always used to love them and now I will run from them. Do not get me wrong though I still get down with extra spicy but not as much as I used to only occasional. My mom in the other hand she is a macho as she calls it because she can eat some spicy stuff that will make anybody else cry when I tell you she bites habanero peppers as a snack I am not lying my mom do not play no games.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

So sad it ended.

I am so sad that one of my favorites shows in television has ended last night I swear it was one of the juiciest endings ever. The show that I am talking about is Being Human in the Syfy channel which ran for about four seasons which if you ask me were really short and could have been longer or at least added a couple of more seasons. The show revolved around a ghost, werewolf and a vampire that lived together and dealt with life and the problems that came with their conditions. My favorite characters was Sally the ghost of the story that I personally think that the most interesting character because she went through so many changes. First sally was a ghost then she came back to life and became a zombie, after that she died and became a ghost again but killed a witch and became a witch. The stories get even better when she gets stuck in the past and takes over her body so she does not die and stays alive but becomes a werewolf only to die again. I think they did such a wonderful job in creating sally's character and having all this exciting twist to the story. It also helps that the vampire and werewolf roommates were really handsome and some eye candy. Overall I am going to miss this show a lot but hopefully I will find another one to take its place. I really love Syfy shows and supernatural stuff.

Friday, April 4, 2014

I hate sickness

Today I have been watching Game of thrones since I have been too sick to get out of bed and it has been juicy. I had watched couple of episodes here and there but I do not know what I had been missing because watching all the first season was juicy. My favorite character is Danerys and Rob among many other small characters but I also hate a lot of them. I really hate Jeffrery and his mom and his uncle too while were at it not the short one tho I love him. Other than that I have been sick since wednesday and it really sucks I have never been so sick so often recently and I have no clue why. I need to go to the doctor soon but it be so expensive to go even with insurance. I also hurt my back yesterday and the pain is really intense so much that I cannot even move to avoid extra pain. Thankfully I have this weekend off so that gives me time to get better and also get some work done along the way. Things are still the same with the family issues which really sucks and one can just hope that it gets better. My room is also looking as a hot mess it needs to be clean as soon as possible which must likely will tomorrow. It is time for bed now so I can get some rest and feel better so to bed I go.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sad but true.

I swear one of the worst things that can happen is working at a job that you dread going to or just pretty much dislike to say the least. I really hate that I am in that current position hunties it is unfortunate that I am in that predicament because I use to love my job so much. The sad part is that I am not the only one that feel that certain way and I wish it was since it is mostly the whole staff that feels that certain way about the morale and appreciation that staff receive which is very poor. Another thing that sucks is working in an hostile work place in which you are always afraid of relation if something is said since I though work places were suppose to be retaliation free. There are many things that can be done to keep staff happy and have a morale up but some people just do not get it because of their own prejudice and inability to bend their arm half way. I might be young but I can think of so many ways to run a better business while keeping profit and making the company grown. That is all I have to say about that topic but I am at least glad that it is almost the weekend and I get to sleep in and not have to worry about many things but homework. In class now waiting to go home at eight and go to school in the morning. Have a great night.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It only gets harder.

I know it seems like I just keep saying how crazy, and scandalous my life has been for the past couple of weeks or more like months but I swear it has become a never ending story. I just keep praying to make it thru this semester of school since all this stuff has me pretty shook up and barely able to keep up with everything but I am managing. I am putting an end to this soon because something has to give I do not think that we can live as a family under this circumstances and have me worrying all the time. I am thinking of a plan that I can put into gear because if I get into the nursing program I am not going to be able to handle all this family drama and stuff and keep up with all of that. Today I was not able to make it to my first two classes for some of these circumstances and I do not like missing my classes and feeling so bad about it. Today I was also feeling some kind of way about everything, even just a bird passing by made me feel sad. I was really emotional today but at the end of the day I am the only one that can fix that in me and I intent to as soon as school is over because I wanna focus most of me energy into that for this next couple of weeks.Keep me in your prayers hunties.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I wanna travel.

I really need a vacation some time soon before I go crazy or depressed. I mean not really depressed I just really have been having the urge to go out of state or even better out of the country for a trip. I love traveling so much and would really love to have a chance to get to see a lot more places during my life time. If I could just travel the world and not worry about anything else I would do it in a heart beet no second thoughts about it. It really sucks that it is so expensive to travel anywhere now a days at least for we poor people. I am a big nature lover so I really want to visit places that have many natural aspects to offer. I know there are many places here in the United states to visit so I am going to try and achieve that before I start going overseas. One of the best feeling is traveling with your close friends with the window down listening to music and singing out loud like nobody is watching. Honestly even having a road trip with my friends would make me happy at this moment just like last time we all had a road trip to missouri. It was a really great experience that I want to experience again in the near future with some of my closest friends. I had a dream last night that I was visiting my house in Mexico and I really would like to visit my birth place too before the next decade but it just a hassle with all the stuff going on in Mexico. Well hopefully my dream comes true soon.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Yes beautiful day

Today was such a beautiful day it actually felt like we were in spring time. I woke up this morning feeling better and was feeling fresh but a little sleepy. Today also marked a little mile stone for me since I actually applied to the nursing program or should I say I turned in my application. Now all I have to do is pray to god that hopefully I can get in for this upcoming fall semester I am so excited for this next part of my life. I feel like once I really start the nursing program I will actually have the count down till the days a graduate and start the next step of my life but for now I need to look at the smaller picture and focus on this next five weeks of school. On another note I got good grades on my last 2 anatomy exams and project it raised my grade to an B plus so of course I was excited. I also started my new meal plans today when I actually start watching what I eat again since I have gained some weight back. Now I am home watching some television and waiting for my girl Tasha to pick me up and go out for dinner to Flamingos in miller beach. I am excited for the night and hopefully getting to bed early today because I am feeling extra tired. I did not take a nap today which I am very proud of.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Online shopping.

Online shopping can be a very dangerous tool for many woman out there like myself who just love shopping. Online shopping becomes a very dangerous habit after a while because it is very hard to stop shopping after discovering how amazingly cheap and affordable things can be online. There are many top of the line websites that sell name brand clothing, makeup, jewelry, shoes etc for half the price which makes it even harder to resist. Some of my favorite website that I always find my self shopping for more are Hautelook, Zullily, Nordstrom, Ebay and of course Amazon. These websites are honestly meant to make shoppers buy even more products than originally planned by having crazy sales going on all the time. For example, Hautelook is my favorite one because they always have so many nice things for really cheap prices. I always find me self buying earrings, makeup, shoes, clothes, purses among other stuff from Hautelook and honestly it has become a problem for my bank account haha. I probaly spend about One thousand to two thousand dollars a year on this websites combined together buying all my must needs. Online buying is obviously a great tool to use to a certain extent or like me until not able to stop buying stuff. One of the most exciting moments is when I see that package come in the mail, I swear it feels like Christmas morning all over again. Hopefully I can learn to slow down but if not oh well ill have so many fabulous stuff to wear.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hot mess

Oh my lord, I swear keeping my room clean is a mission that never ends and never will. I can literaly have my room clean one day and in a day or two it is a whole mess but the root of this problem is getting dressed. Every girl can agree with me that picking a cute outfit to wear to school, lunch, club etc can be a hassle. It always starts with one outfit that seems like the one to wear but it ends up looking a certain kind of way that you do not want to wear it any more and so on, so on. Now by the time I have picked out a outfit to wear for the day there is about 5 outfits in the floor that I always fail to pick up because by the time I am done getting ready I am actually running late. This whole processes is repeated at least five times a week so one can see how this can add up pretty quickly and become a hassle. Now that is only clothes but since there is also accessories to wear the same process happens with that and makeup but I think that if I had a bigger room this would be less of a issue but that is just my personal opinion and I am sticking to it ha. I also need to get rid of so many clothes I am determined to have a yard sale this summer to try to get some money out of it.

Friday, March 28, 2014

last drop of energy.

This semester in school has been like no other semester I have ever had. I feel like god is really helping me get through this semester and finish it strong. The reason why I say that is because I am going through so much stress and drama at home and things like that. I know that he would not have let me and my family go through all of this if he did not think my family and me could handle it and come out strong out of it. I am really shocked how I am keeping up with all the school work while going to work also but the human body is really an amazing machine that can withstand plenty of stress and work. Right now as I am writing I honestly am on my last straw of power for the day and a soon as I am done I am finally going to be bale to give my mind and body some rest to get me ready for tomorrow. Ha half way falling asleep thats how tired I am but hey I had a really long day and I refuse not get this all this work done before I go to bed. My friend also came over today and helped me work on my essay for the nursing program to make sure that everything was okay. As many of you know english is my second language so I have to put in some extra work in my essays but I have her just take a look over as a peer review kind of deal. Well good night my friends.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

the shade of it all. please have severaal seats.

“The shade of it all” as said by Latrice Royal is really how I feel today. Today individuals have been getting in my last never, some people really have the nerve to try and throw some shade. Some thing that my mom has told me is do not talk about somebody if you have tail to be stepped on and I honestly swear by this. Let me get something clear hunties one cannot preach about something that you are, used to be etc. Please do not try to tell someone they are this, this and this when you know dang right you are on the same thing but also trying to judge. I am usually a nice person and just go with the flow because at the end of the day I am a grown women that has business to handle, bills to pay and school finish. I honestly do not have time to be contemplating all kind of foolishness going around but let me make something clear when you do try to come after me please know what you are coming for and what you are going to get. I just hate individuals like and trust me I will read you in a quick and a side of shade. Everybody now a days try to act crazy but hunty acting crazy and rachet is not cute. Just remember no one like hypocritical individuals that try to make them selves feel better by trying to put other people down. Karma is real she always comes back to get everyone so please have several seats or actually
a stadium full of seats.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I felt so sick today I swear I though I was not going to feel better but my moms excuse to feel better is shopping. My mom convinced me to go shopping with her and we went to valparaiso with her to get away from all the crazy stuff that was going on at my house with my dad I guess it was a little get away for my mom. I really did not want to go but my mom seemed like she did not leave the house and got away from my dad she was going to snap so I had to do it for her. It sucks having to deal with this but it is part of life. I was so nauseous all day and felt like blah another thing that was crazy is the weather. This past couple of weeks the weather has been all over the place which has had my allergies going crazy. Well we finally came back from when my dad had left for work and we got to work on some of the work left around the house. Which also reminds me that I have not completed my application to the nursing program. Some times I be leaving everything to the last minute with everything that is going through my head. We also decided that we are going to go get this diet thing done on thursday because my mom gained some weight and so did I which is unacceptable. I guess time will tell if it will work for me.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

long busy weekend it was.

Busy, busy, busy has been the motto of the weekend I swear. Finally thank to god I finished my anatomy project and it came out looking great I am so proud of my self for taking the time to make it extra nice. I am not going to lie I has a couple of set backs trying to do all this work this weekend but for the most part I made it. I really put in a lot on detail into all the work I did this weekend since I am trying to finish this semester strong. I did feel a little tired and out of energy this weekend tho but I was so excited to find my vitamins that I ha bought. It has been months since I last saw them and today I found them and was so happy because I need my vitamins. I am off from work till thursday so I guess I better put tuesday to use since I do not work. I have two exams due this week and let me tell you hunty I am going to go in and pass them suckers with a B at least. Switching to another topic Once upon a time was so juicy tonight but I expected more drama and scandalous stuff to happen. Honestly I want all them to go in and get into some crazy fights Regina v.s Wicked. As the night is winding down I am getting more sleepy so I guess its bed time for this gal.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I will be productive this weekend.

Woop woop it is almost the weekend and it is my weekend off at work. I had originally planned to go spend the weekend in chicago with my cousin and visiting some of my favorite places but that plan has now changed into a whole weekend of nothing but homework. Over the weekend I plan to complete many task for school including Anatomy poster of blood flow from right thumb to liver, a four page bacterial report on meningitis, a presentation for the report and finally start on my english research paper. I am going to do all of this while also studying for my Microbiology exam on tuesday over four chapters and my Anatomy lab exam on wednesday. As many of you can tell this is going to be such a busy weekend and hopefully I can keep my word of doing all of this work during the weekend. I have so many ideas of what to do this weekend other than studying, I also want to get some breakfast with my girl Tasha, clean my room, wash clothes and clean my car again. I really want it to be productive I believe that if I plan my time very wisely I can accomplish all of this. I currently have B's in anatomy and micro and I think I have an A in english. On a brighter note I think me and my girl Adriean might be getting some buffalo wild wings tonight. We were suppose to go after work but it did not happen so hopefully we do go tonight.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motivation, friends, and family.

Today it finally sinked in how busy I am going to be for the next seven weeks. I know I am so excited that we only have seven more weeks this semester after this week but the end also comes with plenty of work to do. I have so many assignments that I have to do and exams to study for but I have to do it for me and my family. With everything that is going on with my mom and my dad I have to prepare myself to take on all the responsibilities that my dad might not want to. In order for me to do that I have to get this degree done taking care of all my family wont be easy but if I have to I will. Honestly thats my motivation most of the time. I just have to remember that I have a family to look up for if other people wont. That being said I have to force mys elf to get this done even though most of the time I do not even want to get out of bed. I know it sounds silly but I hate waking up early and having to go to class work etc. I have to finish this semester strong and get in that program so I can finally feel like okay I only got this much time left doing this. I just thank all my friends that also keep me motivated and going, surround your self with the people that inspire you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Yay passed the Hessi.

Yessss I passed mu Hessi exam today so I can apply to the nursing program at PNC. Let me just say I was so nervous people are always saying how easy it is and all that but I was still nervous considering my luck. The math part was okay pretty simple stuff that I had not done in a while but I managed to do all right I got an 88 on it so heyyy girl hey. Now the english part was scandalous cause everybody knows that I am from Mexico and my english be a little rough. Luckily I got a 76 on which is a passing grade to be able to apply which I wish I would of done better but like I said I am not that good at it. Now I gotta fill out the application and write my essay so I can turn it in. I am really nervous about not being able to get in but I am just going to let it hang in gods hands and see what happens. All that I have left to do is pass Microbiology and Anatomy with a C or higher and English 102 also. I am not too worried about english but I am about Microbiology I need to put in some more study time. In another note after taking the Hessi today I went to eat before class and felt so full. I attempted to take a nap in my car but it was not working. I can't wait to go home tonight.

Monday, March 17, 2014

monday after spring break.

 Holly mole after a whole week of break I did not wanna get up early to go to school. I know it seems silly but a week really made me get all comfy and not wanting to do anything specially since it was cold and I spent a lot of my break sleeping. All I kept thinking this morning was really only a week spring break should be like two weeks long I swear one week is like a little tease. I was also so tired this morning since I did not get plenty of sleep the night before. Luckily for me I stopped and got me a coffee this morning and ended up getting two super juicy and delicioso muffins, I know I was being a big bee but they looked so good and I did not have time to get me breakfast. I got me a cream cheese one and a banana nut one. After I was done with my classes I started driving home and decided to stop and see my friend Maribel and her babies. I was so happy to see her since I had not seen her in months but hey both of us have been so busy for the past couple of months. Of course all of you probably know what I did after leaving her house and I sure did, I went home and took a juicy nap. Well it was not that juicy for some reason I cannot fall asleep all the way if I fall asleep with my makeup on. I woke up and did some work and called it a night.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Have a great friday.!

Good morning everyone today is going to be a busy crazy day but fun at the same time. I just woke up and started doing some homework since I will be busy all afternoon and night because I am going to blue chip casino tonight for my girls birthday. I am so excited last time we all went to the casino we had such a great time together. I am hoping that this time it is as much fun as last time but better. I am trying to catch up on some micro and anatomy homework since I was being a little alligator all week. I am also working on my paper that is due monday but it is almost done so I am not too worried about it.I still got so many things to do like shower, makeup, hair and most important my outfit. It is so hard to decide what to wear when going out I swear ha ha and it does not help that I cannot find the pair of pants that I wanted to wear tonight. It is going to be my mission to find those pants because I really want to wear those with a classy top and some wedge heels. I am also waiting for my girl to txt me and tell me what time she is coming by since she wanted me to do her makeup. Well I am going to get back in schedule before it gets too late have a great day my friends.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Craking up.!!

I am having such a good time watching tv right now it is not even funny. VH1 is showing 40 greatest pranks for and I had watched the previous ones so I know I am going to get a good laugh out of this. Let me just say I am cracking up watching this show cant even breath half the time ha ha big girl problems. I know my mom and brothers are probably wondering why this crazy gal is laughing so loud at eleven o'clock at night. I am just in over my head in how they come up with this pranks because if somebody was to prank me like they are pranking some of this people I would die. I am a sucker for a good prank tho and cannot resist laughing at people. I am so bad at this that if I see someone fall in front of me I loose it and start laughing even tho I know this individual is probably feeling so no bueno. One of my favorite ones that they showed was one from a brazilian show called “Que locura” in which they make this girl think she is seeing bloody mary or something like that and she looses it. I know that feeling because I would of pee on me self or something like that. Actually I might of tried fighting the ghost looking lady of she got close to me. Well for all my friends that like a good laugh please watch this show because it is hilarious.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

History of Freestyle concert.

I am so excited for the Legends of freestyle concert in Chicago next month. As many of my friends might know I love 80's latin freestyle even though I was not born in the 80's. I honestly feel like I should have been a teenager in the 80's because I love everything about the 80's. In some ways you can clearly see some aspects of the 80's are coming back in todays society. Last year I went to two freestyle concerts in the chicago area and they were amazing, those nights were some of the nicest nights I have had concert wise. I probably would have had an even better night if I was not designated driver because I could of enjoyed my self a little more with the drinks. I say that with a smile on my face. That being said I am prepared to have one of the best nights ever this time with my girl Tasha. I have requested the next day off so I do not have to worry about going in to work and those kind of stuff. The concert is April 12 in some part of chicago, I cannot clearly recall which part but it was a great spot. I am excited to see Lisa Lisa & the cult jam, Cynthia, George Lamond, TKA, Corina, Lisstte Melendez, among others. I just hope to have a great night and have fun with my gals and among many of the people that we will meet that night.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

normal day but relaxing.

Spring break is going amazing as far as I can tell. I only work tuesday and thursday this week and I got somebody to cover my shift saturday for me and my girl Adriean. This Friday is our friends Renee birthday so she wants us to go out with her and as the great friends that we are we tried to hard to get somebody to work for us. The hard work finally paid off and today two lovely gals agree to take our shift saturday. Today was such a great day at work because there was no extra crazy stuff going on and me and my girl Sam had a wonderful day at work. Call lights were not acting super crazy and our residents were relaxing the whole day. I went to get breakfast to Mcdonalds with my girl for our lunch and let me just be the first one to say I was a big momma today when it came to eating. When we got there I had a steak muffin meal and afterwards I was still hungry so I got me a breakfast burrito with hot picante. My breakfast was fire and juicy, it made me feel so full and sleepy when we got back to work. The rest of my shift was cake and I came back home and watching some tv and took a well deserved nap because thats what people do in spring break other than getting crazy. No getting crazy for me this year other than friday for my gals birthday.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Productive Monday.

Today was such a productive day I got so many things accomplished. I started my morning by enjoying the beginning of my spring break week and drinking coffee with my mom. After that my dad asked me to pay for his plates online since he did not feel like going to pay for them which reminded me that I need to get mine done soon, I think I has two weeks left before mine are due. After paying for my dads plates and decided to go and get my emission test done since I had nothing better to do and I had to get that done sooner or later. Thank god my mom reminded me before walking out the door that the BMV was closed to day which sucked because I was so ready to get it over with. This is the first year since I got my new car that I was required to take the emission smoke test. I feel like it could of taken a couple more years before I was required to take the test. Since going to take the test was out of the question I decided to go get some stuff I needed at the dollar store. Sometimes I rather go to the dollar store because its way smaller than Walmart and less crowed. It is so funny how many more stuff I end up getting when I go to the dollar store. When I got home I decided to clean my car which took three hours since my car had not been cleaned since the fall. I decided to keep my cleaning spree going by getting my car wash it was so nice to see my car so clean. I was too tired afterwards and relaxed all day.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lovely day.

Talk about about having a productive day. I honestly got so many things done today that I did not think I was going to get done. Well they were not like must do things but more of catching up with people and running around. My morning started by me feeling hungry and wanting a bomb breakfast so I asked my sister in law if she wanted to go with me to a place my friend Tasha introduced me to. Of course she said yes so we got ready in a hot minute and headed out to Hobart which did not take that long even tho I did not remember exactly how to get to this place. The funny part is that I did not remember the name of the place either. We finally managed to get there and ordered some juicy breakfast I ordered a juicy skillet and we went in on that food. Everybody was in love with my niece at that place but who can blame them shes a little angel. After that we went to goodwill and I found some nice stuff. I got skirts, dresses, and some shoes. All together it was not that bad I am not use to shopping at goodwill but I found some cute stuff. Later in the day me and my friends Tasha and Alexis went to Bc osaka to catch up and had a lovely time. I honestly had such a beautiful day today. It is time to relax now. Goodnight my friends.

Friday, March 7, 2014

yessssssss finally.

Finally, the time has come that I can finally say this gal right here is on spring break. Not that my spring break is going to be very interesting since I have nothing planned. This what a really stressful week I had so much work to do and deal with family drama. Not to mention I had a nervous breakdown and anxiety attack. Now I have a four day weekend to have all the fun and relaxation I want. Spring break is not going to be all fun and giggles since I still have homework to do and other school related stuff do to but over all it is a break from everything. Sadly tho I have to go to work tuesday and thursday which sucks I wish I would of remembered to request those days off or take some vacation days then it would of really been a mini vacation. I started some spring cleaning tonight which I will follow tomorrow. My boo thang wants to go out tonight so I have to make time for him and have a nice night out. Tomorrow I am going to try and clean my closets out and get rid of the things that I do not need anymore which is going to be plenty. If any of my friends wanna help me that would be great. I also need to clean my car out because it has been a mess of a winter and my car has suffered. Hopefully I can get many things accomplished.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I need to get it together.

This has been such a crazy week for me among family stuff, work, and school work. One of the main issues that I have been having is that I seem to be such a bad girl when it comes to getting school work done. This semester has been really hard for me so far and has showed me that I need to work better in balancing my schedule. Balancing my schedule needs to become one of my main priorities but I also need to learn how to balance my personal life, and school. One of the main factors has become that I did not anticipate that going to school 5 days a week while working would take such a toll on my body. How do people manage to do this, I just think of my friends who are doing it and believe in them. I honestly do not know how my friend Sam does it since she still works full time while going to school full time also. She is honestly a role model to me because she is so hard working, maybe I should learn some tips from her. Procrastination is a very ugly habit that I need to get out of but with so much going on something has to give and something has to suffer. My goal for this week is to ask my friends Samantha and Tasha how they manage to work everything out because they is doing it. My friend Tashi goes to school, works and takes cares of her daughter she is also a great role model to follow this two gals give me hope that I can do it. I need to get it together after spring break it will be a new start.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Addicted to television shows.

Television is such a distraction to me I swear but it is so entertaining. I have such a big problem when it comes to watching tv shows specially Syfy oriented shows. I am a huge junkie when it comes to watching shows that have to deal with witches, vampires, werewolf's, or any supernatural creature. I honesty watched at least 5 supernatural shows a week, some of them new while some of them are oldies but goodies. Some of my favorite shows that I am currently watching are Being human, Los girl, vampire diaries, Once upon a time, Teen wolf, The Originals, The walking dead, and Supernatural among others. The sad part is this is only whats out on television right now there are way too many other shows that broadcast throughout the year. Another kind of shows that I love watching are “mexican telenovelas” which is pretty much a soap opera but juicier. I am trying to stay away from telenovelas tho because they are really time consuming since they are played monday thru friday. Watching my shows is like a ritual I swear I get comfortable and start watching on my days off I sometimes spend a whole day watching my shows. One of the greatest inventions that has been created in the past decade is Comcast on demand. For those of you out there that have Comcast I am sure you all know how amazing and life changing it is. All I have to say is I am never giving my shows up.