Monday, March 31, 2014

Yes beautiful day

Today was such a beautiful day it actually felt like we were in spring time. I woke up this morning feeling better and was feeling fresh but a little sleepy. Today also marked a little mile stone for me since I actually applied to the nursing program or should I say I turned in my application. Now all I have to do is pray to god that hopefully I can get in for this upcoming fall semester I am so excited for this next part of my life. I feel like once I really start the nursing program I will actually have the count down till the days a graduate and start the next step of my life but for now I need to look at the smaller picture and focus on this next five weeks of school. On another note I got good grades on my last 2 anatomy exams and project it raised my grade to an B plus so of course I was excited. I also started my new meal plans today when I actually start watching what I eat again since I have gained some weight back. Now I am home watching some television and waiting for my girl Tasha to pick me up and go out for dinner to Flamingos in miller beach. I am excited for the night and hopefully getting to bed early today because I am feeling extra tired. I did not take a nap today which I am very proud of.

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