Sunday, March 23, 2014

long busy weekend it was.

Busy, busy, busy has been the motto of the weekend I swear. Finally thank to god I finished my anatomy project and it came out looking great I am so proud of my self for taking the time to make it extra nice. I am not going to lie I has a couple of set backs trying to do all this work this weekend but for the most part I made it. I really put in a lot on detail into all the work I did this weekend since I am trying to finish this semester strong. I did feel a little tired and out of energy this weekend tho but I was so excited to find my vitamins that I ha bought. It has been months since I last saw them and today I found them and was so happy because I need my vitamins. I am off from work till thursday so I guess I better put tuesday to use since I do not work. I have two exams due this week and let me tell you hunty I am going to go in and pass them suckers with a B at least. Switching to another topic Once upon a time was so juicy tonight but I expected more drama and scandalous stuff to happen. Honestly I want all them to go in and get into some crazy fights Regina v.s Wicked. As the night is winding down I am getting more sleepy so I guess its bed time for this gal.

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