Monday, April 14, 2014

Dallas buyers club was eye opening.

When it comes to watching movies I am a big fan just tell me it is movie time and I am on my way. I am a fan of all kind of movies, films etc but I really do love the kind of movies that move my soul and make me think about things. With that being said today I watched Dallas buyers club after hearing so many good things about it and it was more then I expected it to be. There are so many powerful messages in the film and I feel like they are positive messages not all negative and also it was based on a real story. I am not going to lie this movie made me cry like a baby and just made me feel so sad for all those people who had to go through that back in the 80's. Times sure have come along way since then and I am glad they have because the world had become a better place in some ways and bad in others. This movie also had so mad in some part I swear just because it is so hard to see that some people would act like that towards other human being and how ignorant and money driven the government was back then even though it still is many forms but what they did was evil. After watching this movie all I could think of was giving out a prayer for all those people who suffered through those harsh times and hope that they are resting peace. I know not everyone is a saint but these people deserved better and I know maybe there was not a lot that could have been done but I do not know as a human being I like to wish the best for everyone. Thank god things are better now concerning HIV and hopefully a cure can be found soon.

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