Saturday, February 1, 2014

Life is more then just drinking.

 For the past couple of months I have come to the conclusion that life is more then drinking and going out the bars. I know that might sounds pretty accurate to some people but when you are surrounded by friends that find it acceptable to live that lifestyle it starts to become acceptable. One of the worst parts of being young is that many times young individuals let them selfs be influenced by their friends. Before turning 21 it is every teenagers desire to be finally reach that sacred age and be able to go out to the bars and go out with friends. Now that I have been thru that stage of my life when you are not able to go out and do those stuff and when you finally are able to it is not everybody makes it out to be. Lets all be honest, it is fun for a couple of times but after a while it gets boring and old. Most of the time all you ever see at the bar and clubs are people who are not able to control them selves and end up acting a fool. Maybe I think this way because now a days teenagers start drinking early at house parties and by the time 21 arrives alcohol has taken a toll on the body. I know I can speak for my self and say that I have had enough bad experiences because I wanted to fit in and drink as much as my friend did but not that I look back why would anybody wanna wake up with a killer headache and nausea. Not this girl.

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