Sunday, May 4, 2014

One more week and i made it.

This has been a crazy, busy semester but overall it was okay with the support and understanding I got from my friends, classmates and professors. This semester has really pushed my limits and showed me that I can handle much more than I though I could. Sure I wish I could of done better because trying to be the best you can, should be a priority. I have grown so much since this semester has started and feel like a have matured. I was not immature but I feel like I learned more responsibility and how to deal with everything at hand.  Now all I have left to do is finish strong this last week at school. I have been sick the past couple of days, hoping to get better as the week progresses. I have my nine-week doctors appointment next week in Chicago, which I am so excited for. Everything is going as I expected and I am hoping that it keeps going that way so that I am able to achieve everything I want.  On some bright news also died my hair red again yesterday and it looks amazing I have been getting so many compliments. What girl doesn’t like getting compliments right. I know I do. I am so hungry and want to eat a juicy burger but I do not want to get out of bed. Well thanks for everyone that has read my blogs. I have has a great time writing and maybe I will continue to do so. Adios Amigos.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

its a blahh day.

Yes it is finally going to be the weekend and I only have one more week of school left this semester.  I actually enjoyed the past couple of classes in my micro class they have been quite interesting. My English paper has been going great and very interesting I have really enjoyed writing it because I have learned some data and research that I had no clue about.  I know that it happened but I had no clue that it happened to the extent that it did. It was my mom’s birthday yesterday and I am happy that I have had my mom for another year and many more years to come. Changing topic I am in a need of getting my hair done and getting some color in it. There are so many things that I wan to do but I need to start working more hours so that I have more money.  I cannot wait to be able to sleep in this weekend and catch up on it.  I have been running on almost zero sleep this week with so many things in my mind and I have been having insomnia. I do not know what else to talk about my brain is like fried so all I am all out of things to talk about. Good night my friends I am calling it a night and finishing some work before I attempt to get in bed. Hopefully I will be able to fall asleep and have some juicy dreams.